Quick Start

Let's begin Prompting in 1 minute

Installation with pip install

Directly install from PyPI:

pip install promplate[openai]

We are using OpenAI just for demonstration. In fact, you can use any LLM as you want.

Make LLM Calls

First, Open a python REPL 💻 (ipython or jupyter are OK. Just any REPL you like)

All the code below should run “as is”, which means you can copy and paste them in your terminal and it will work fine.

>>> from promplate.llm.openai import ChatComplete  # this simply wraps OpenAI's SDK
>>> complete = ChatComplete(api_key="...")

The api_key should be filled with your API Key from OpenAI Platform

Then call it like this:

>>> complete("hi", model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106")
'Hello! How can I assist you today?'

Perhaps you don’t want to provide model parameter everytime you call complete, so you can bind it like this:

>>> complete = ChatComplete(api_key="...").bind(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106")

Then call it simply with a string:

>>> complete("hi", model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106")
'Hello! How can I assist you today?'
If you don't have an OpenAI API Key 🔑 You could use our FREE proxy site as base_url like this:
>>> from promplate.llm.openai import ChatComplete
>>> from httpx import Client  # or AsyncClient if use use AsyncChatComplete
>>> client = Client(follow_redirects=True)  # this must be set because our free api uses 308 redirects
>>> complete = ChatComplete(base_url="https://promplate.dev", api_key="<any-value>", http_client=client).bind(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106")
>>> complete("hi")
'Hello! How can I assist you today?'
If you want to use instruct models 🤔 Simply replace ChatComplete by TextComplete:
>>> from promplate.llm.openai import TextComplete
>>> complete = TextComplete(api_key="...").bind(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct")
>>> complete("I am")
' just incredibly proud of the team, and their creation of a brand new ship makes'
And you can pass parameters when calling a Complete instance:
>>> complete("1 + 1 = ", temperature=0, max_tokens=1)
If you prefer to stream the response 👀 It is still super easy, just use ChatGenerate:
>>> from promplate.llm.openai import ChatGenerate
>>> generate = ChatGenerate(api_key="...").bind(model="gpt-3.5-turbo-1106")
>>> for i in generate("Explain why 1 + 1 = 2"):
...     print(i, end="", flush=True)  # this will print generated tokens gradually
The equation 1 + 1 = 2 is a fundamental principle in mathematics and arithmetic. It represents the addition operation, which involves combining two quantities or numbers to find their sum.

In this case, when we add 1 to another 1, we are essentially combining or merging two individual units or quantities. By doing this, we end up with a total count of two. Therefore, the result is 2.

This principle is consistent and holds true in all contexts and across different number systems, whether it is in the base-10 decimal system, binary system, or any other number system.

1 + 1 = 2 is considered a basic and universally accepted mathematical fact, forming the foundation for more complex mathematical operations and calculations.

Prompting with Template

There must be something dynamic in your prompt, like user queries, retrieved context, search results, etc. In promplate, simply use {{ }} to insert dynamic data.

>>> import time
>>> from promplate import Template
>>> greet = Template("Greet me. It is {{ time.asctime() }} now.")
>>> greet.render(locals())
'Greet me. It is Sun Oct  1 03:56:02 2023 now.'

You can run the prompt by complete we created before

>>> complete(_)
'Good morning!'

Wow, it works fine. In fact, you can use any python expression inside {{ }}.

Tips: you can combine partial context to a template like this:

>>> import time
>>> from promplate import Template
>>> greet = Template("Greet me. It is {{ time.asctime() }} now.", {"time": time})  # of course you can use locals() here too
>>> greet.render()  # empty parameter is ok
'Greet me. It is Sun Oct  1 03:56:02 2023 now.'

Turning a complex task into small pieces

Sometimes we don’t use a single prompt to complete. Here are some reasons:

  • Describing a complex task in a single prompt may be difficult
  • Splitting big task into small ones maybe can reduce the total token usage
  • If you need structural output, it is easier to specifying data formats separately
  • We human can think quicker after breaking task into parts
  • Breaking big tasks into sub tasks may enhance interpretability, reducing debugging time

In prompate, We use a Node to represent a single “task”. You can initialize a Task with a string like initiating a Template:

>>> from promplate import Node
>>> greet = Node("Greet me. It is {{ time.asctime() }} now.", locals())
>>> greet.render()
'Greet me. It is Sun Oct  1 04:16:04 2023 now.'

But there are far more utilities.

Such as, you can add two nodes together magically:

>>> translate = Node('translate """{{ __result__ }}""" into {{ target_language }}')
>>> chain = greet + translate  # this represents the pipeline of "greeting in another language"
>>> chain.invoke({"target_language": "zh_CN"}, complete).result

Mention that the return type of .invoke() is ChainContext which combines the context passed everywhere in a right order. __result__ is the output of last Node. It is automatically assigned during .invoke(). You can access it inside the template. Outside the template, you can use .result of a ChainContext to get the last output.

The following three expressions should return the same string:

>>> template = Template("...")
>>> complete(template.render())
>>> Node("...").invoke()["__result__"]
>>> Node("...").invoke().result

This part may be a bit more complex, but believe me, this enhances the flexibility of this framework and you will like it.

Registering callbacks

There are sometimes some work can’t be done without our code. such as:

  • LLM returns string, while we may want to parse it into structural data format like dict or list
  • We may need to log the intermediate variables to see whether the previous nodes work fine
  • We may modify context dynamically during a chain running

In promplate, you can register a callback everytime before or after a node runs.

Besides manually implementing the Callback interface, you can directly use decorators syntax like so:

>>> @greet.end_process
... def log_greet_result(context):
...     print(context.result)
...     print(context["target_language"])
>>> chain.invoke({"target_language": "zh_CN"}, complete).result
Good morning!

Congratulations 🎉 You’ve learnt the basic paradigm of using promplate for prompt engineering.

Thanks for reading. There are still lots of features not mentioned here. Learn more in other pages 🤗 If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us on GitHub Discussions.